EXTRA-43307 - USA (Providence, Rhode Island) - Approval Revisions and Site...
(1) Vendor needs to provide approval revisions and site visit support service to the government authority located in Providence, RI.– Provide support for the review and approval process used by agency...
View ArticleSW-86754 - USA (Rhode Island) - Crisis Care Continuum Software Technology -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide crisis care continuum software technology.– A web–based commercial solution for crisis management.– To address the disparity in technology for behavioral health and increase...
View ArticleMRB-40882 - USA (Rhode Island) - Public Relations Services - Deadline August...
(1) Vendor needs to provide public relations services.– Public relations and communications firm with the background, knowledge, and technical expertise to support the district as it advances its...
View ArticleEXTRA-43367 - USA (Providence, Rhode Island) - Conference Room Sound...
– Vendor needs to provide conference room sound reduction services to the government authority located in Providence, RI.– Install sound reduction material in the ceilings and walls of four conference...
View ArticleUS-FED-00000221412 - Hand Tools - Deadline July 17,2024
Please see attached Combined Synopsis and Solicitation, as well as attached Salient Characteristics.
View ArticleMEDI-6144 - USA (Rhode Island) - Firefighter Occupational Medical Evaluations...
(1) Vendor needs to provide firefighter occupational medical evaluations services to the government authority located in Rhode Island.– A confidential occupational medical evaluation program for its...
View ArticleEDUCATION-9598 - USA (Providence, Rhode Island) - ELA Curriculum...
(1) Vendor needs to provide ELA curriculum implementation planning, professional development and coaching services to the government authority located in Providence, RI.• Knowledge of ELA best...
View ArticleMEDI-6146 - USA (Warwick, Rhode Island) - Occupational Medical Evaluations...
Vendor needs to provide occupational medical evaluations service to the government authority located in Warwick, RI.– Provide confidential occupational medical evaluation program for its candidates.–...
View ArticleSTAFF-12081 - USA (Woonsocket, Rhode Island) - Educational Staffing Services...
(1) Vendor needs to provide educational staffing services to the government authority located in Woonsocket, RI.• Position– Paraprofessionals or personal care assistants– School nurse substitutes–...
View ArticleSW-86906 - USA (Rhode Island) - Performance Management Platform - Deadline...
Vendor needs to provide performance management platform.– Provide a comprehensive performance management software solution to enhance our organization's ability to manage employee performance, align...
View ArticleCONS-12639 - USA (Rhode Island) - Site Development, Stormwater, And...
(1) Vendor needs to provide site development, stormwater, and facilities engineering service to the government authority located in Rhode Island.• Provide engineering services required for site designs...
View ArticleEDUCATION-9657 - USA (Rhode Island) - Education Leadership Training and Team...
(1) Vendor needs to provide education leadership training and team building consultant service to the government authority located in Rhode Island. – To provide a program specifically, to focus on...
View ArticleAI-0195 - USA (Rhode Island) - Artificial Intelligence Task Force Advisory...
(1) Vendor needs to provide artificial intelligence task force advisory and coordinating partner services– Provide advisory and coordinating supports to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Task Force.– Assist...
View ArticleUS-FED-00000224235 - Repoint & Repair Harwood Buildings at the Harwood...
This requirement is for construction services to repair and repoint multiple buildings at the Harwood Research Center located at the Providence VA Health Care System (VAHCS). This requirement is...
View ArticleUS-FED-00000224350 - N--Construction services for replacement of a networked...
View ArticleUS-FED-00000224678 - Construction- Lab and Collaborative Space Reno Project -...
The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport (NUWCDIVNPT) has a construction requirement for the renovations of serverial labritories and collaberation spaces through out NUWCDIVNPT. Please see...
View ArticleCSE-18511 - USA (Pawtucket, Rhode Island) - Security Guard Services -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide security guard services to the government authority located in Pawtucket, RI. – The city will require the services of one security guard to perform work accordingly to a...
View ArticleEQU-11453 - USA (Rhode Island) - Small, Light, Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicle...
(1) Vendor needs to provide small, light, medium and heavy–duty vehicle parts, lubricants, tools services to the government authority located in Rhode Island.• Provide parts and related services for...
View ArticleSW-87080 - USA (Rhode Island) - Upgrade of On-Premises IP Security Camera...
(1) Vendor needs to provide upgrade of on–premises IP security camera system to cloud platform.• Provide cloud connectors as necessary for the number of legacy cameras indicated above including...
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