Vendor needs to provide high–quality curriculum based professional learning service to the government authority located in Providence, RI.– Provide high–quality, curriculum–based professional learning (CBPL) to support in implementing high–quality curriculum materials.– Effective professional learning strategically focuses on and is designed to strengthen the capacity of educators to help students achieve desired learning outcomes. It emphasizes Tier 1 instruction, ensuring that all students receive high–quality teaching that meets their diverse needs.– Provide rigorous, relevant content: Effective professional learning focuses on the content educators teach in their classrooms daily. Professional learning should be rigorous to help educators enhance and shift their professional practice and differentiated to meet their specific needs and the content they teach.– Incorporate active learning: Effective professional learning includes active learning opportunities that give educators a chance to meaningfully engage with new concepts and teaching strategies by engaging in the work directly.– Use models and modeling of effective, evidence–based practice.– Support collaboration in job–embedded contexts.– Provide coaching and expert support.– Offer routine opportunities for formative feedback and reflection.