(1) Vendor needs to provide learning laboratory and resources service to the government authority located in Providence, RI.– Agency is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to identify literacy experts, create opportunities to share expertise with community members and educators, and support this population with knowledge building and practical resources that provide education around literacy.– Develop a structure in which parents, guardians, caregivers and educators are supported in recognizing characteristics of dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and related disorders as well as develop an understanding of evidence–based interventions and accommodations.– Develop a hub of resources, to include materials, resources on dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia.– Identify, contract with and organize expert speakers for webinar series or live events.• The vendor will collaborate with agency to establish a project schedule and a system for feedback and approval of the contract deliverables.– A needs assessment will be created and administered to educators and stakeholder groups to determine needs of the population, and formatting of sessions.– A review of identified experts in the area of dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia will be conducted to showcase speakers appropriate for webinar series targeted at families and educators, as well as connected resources, materials to support both families and educators.– Develop a cadence for the learning series based on the needs of the constituents.– Vendor will organize and retain space for in–person events as well as host webinars.– Coordinate the development of webpage and materials, resources aligned with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia.– Coordinate development of webpage.– Develop a mechanism to identify model educators to highlight best practices in structured literacy instruction.– Coordinate opportunities for educators to learn from model educators through classroom visits and videos.(2) All the questions must be submitted no later than April 29, 2024.