(1) Vendor needs to provide 10-year update comprehensive plan services to the government authority located in Cranston, RI.
- To encourage the involvement of all citizens in the formulation, review, and adoption, or amendment of the Comprehensive Plan
- To promote orderly growth and development that recognizes the specific characteristics of the land, its suitability for use, the availability of existing and proposed public and/or private services and facilities, and is consistent with available resources and the need to protect public health, including drinking water supply, drinking water safety, and environmental quality
- To promote a positive economic climate which fosters quality job opportunities and overall economic wellbeing of the city
- To promote the production and rehabilitation of year-round housing for all income ranges and to preserve government subsidized housing for persons and families of low and moderate income in a manner that: considers local, regional, and state-wide needs; housing that achieves a balance of housing choices, for all income levels and age groups; recognizes the affordability of housing as the responsibility of the City and the state; takes into account growth management and the need to phase and pace development in areas of rapid growth; and facilitates economic growth in the state;
- To promote the ongoing protection of the natural, historic and cultural resources of the City and the state,
- To promote the ongoing preservation of the open space and recreational resources of the City and the state,
- To promote consistency of state actions and programs with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and provide for procedures to ensure that state goals and policies are reflected in the City's Comprehensive Plan,
- To ensure that adequate and uniform data are available to the City and to state government as the basis for comprehensive planning and land use regulation.
(2) A pre-proposal meeting will be held on May 23, 2023.