(1) Vendor needs to provide auditing and agreed upon procedures services to the government authority located in Warwicks, RI.
- Fiscal year ended 2023,2024,2025.
- include government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, and notes to the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
- The auditor shall also be responsible for performing certain limited procedures involving required supplementary information as required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board as mandated by generally accepted auditing standards.
- Management's discussion and analysis
- Schedule of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance - budget and actual
- schedules related to defined benefit pension plans
- Combining fund financial statements shall be presented as supplementary information for all non-major governmental funds.
- Each non-major fund (included within the special revenue funds, capital projects funds, debt service funds, and permanent funds) shall be presented as separate columns in the combining fund financial statements.
- Similarly, combining financial statements shall also be presented for each of the other fund types when there is more than one internal service fund, enterprise fund, and fiduciary fund.
(2) The contract will be two years.