(1) Vendor needs to provide historic consultant services to the government authority located in Bristol, RI.
- A methodology statement;
- An executive summary that provides an overview of the extent of change in the waterfront national register historic district and preliminary recommendations regarding the contributing and non-contributing status of properties, the district boundary, the period of significance, and areas of significance;
- A table listing all of the properties in the historic district, showing
- Property address
- Assessor's map and lot
- Property name
- Architectural style
- Estimated date of construction
- A column showing whether the property was included in the property inventory in the National Register nomination
- A column indicating whether the property has changed or been altered since the time of the nomination
- Current contributing and non-contributing status, based on the fieldwork
- Recommended contributing and non-contributing status, based on the survey
- Photo references, as applicable
- Descriptions for those resources that were not included in the property inventory in the National Register nomination or that have changed or been altered since that time;
- Photos of selected properties, chosen to illustrate the degree of change within the district since the National Register nomination was prepared;
- Preliminary recommendations regarding changes to the district boundary, with accompanying maps,
- Photos of properties that would be added or removed if the boundary were to change;
- Preliminary recommendations regarding the district's period of significance and areas of significance, including whether, if the district's National Register nomination were to be updated, the statement of significance should be expanded to include additional historical themes;
- Other information, such as historic photographs, historic maps, or a bibliography, as deemed necessary.
- 1-2 photographs of each property in the historic district
- 1-2 photographs of each property that is recommended to be added to or removed from the historic district, if any, based on the evaluation of the existing district boundary and
- A PowerPoint presentation, for delivery at a public meeting where the consultant will present project findings and recommendations
(2) A pre-bid conference will be held on April 28, 2023.