(1) Vendor needs to provide parenting education and visitation service for incarcerated men and women to the government authority located in Providence, RI. – For providing parenting education programming and parenting support services to incarcerated parents housed.– to provide parenting education classes and visitation programs in agency facilities and to provide a staff person to assist with delivering case management services to a select group of incarcerated parents and their families.• Parenting Education Programming for Incarcerated Parents– Impact of incarceration including child/family victim impact– Communication skills in relationships to being an absent parent– Parenting skills– The re–unification process following incarceration• Parenting Visitation Program– Parent/child visitation program provides a 2–3 hour block of time for incarcerated parents to visit with his/her child(ren) without other extended family present.• Parenting Support Services(2) All questions must be submitted no later than January 13, 2025.