(1) Vendor needs to provide pharmacy benefits manager service to the government authority located in Providence, RI. – PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Manager) partner that can cost–effectively provide quality health care services in a cost–effective manner, in addition to managing future prescription drug cost inflation. As such, selection will be based on a track record of excellent customer service, and controlling trend increases, in combination with providing highly competitive pricing and strategic direction that aligns with that of the City of Providence.• Ability to mitigate trends through managing the total cost of care for members including fees, network discounts, network management, clinical programs, and care management to improve member health and outcomes.• Consistent, high–level skilled member service and advocacy that delivers an exceptional member Experience.• Delivery of innovative clinical programs and initiatives aligned with the City of Providence’s clinical risk prevalence, chronic conditions, and health improvement opportunities;• Accurate plan and claims administration;• Seamless integration with the City of Providence’s third–party vendors; and• Compliance with regulatory requirements.(2) All the questions must be submitted no later than Oct 28, 2024. (3) The contract period will be for three years.