(1) Vendor needs to provide supervisory control and data acquisition maintenance and upgrade services to the government authority located in Cumberland, RI.– Services may include flow pacing of chemical feeds, program and test chemical pacing, survey, installation of analysers such as would be required for chlorine, fluoride and potassium hydroxide, programming of flow totalizers, installation and troubleshooting of alarm notification hardware and software, PLC and operator interface screen programming as well as programming to tie in chemical tank level sensors and integrate well level controls.• Conceptual Development and Planning services:– include order–of–magnitude cost estimating services• Preparation of specifications:– Manufacturer’s information and probable opinion of cost.• Administrative Services during procurement and installation:– Review of catalog cuts, and product submittals.– Periodic meetings to monitor and report on progress, as well as testing or debugging new software.– Review of warranties, etc. and preparation of operation and maintenance manuals.(2) The contract period will be for three years.