Notice of Intent to Renew Leased Office Space in Providence, RI (2RI0068) Using Other Than Full and Open CompetitionU.S. GOVERNMENTGeneral Services Administration (GSA) seeks to lease the following space:State: RICity: ProvidenceDelineated Area: Providence, RIMinimum Sq. Ft. (ABOA): 2044Maximum Sq. Ft. (ABOA): 2146Space Type: OfficeParking Spaces (Total): 0Parking Spaces (Surface): 0Parking Spaces (Structured): 0Parking Spaces (Reserved): N/AFull Term: 5Option Term: N/AAdditional Requirements: N/AThe U.S. Government intends to renew an existing lease using other than full and open competition for an existing lease that is expiring in Providence, RI.Offered space must me