(1) Vendor needs to provide professional land surveying services to the government authority located in Rhode Island.1. Survey research and compilation including:• Tax assessors data including maps, deeds, owners, abutters, acreage, etc.• GIS data including Aerials, utilities, wetlands, features, etc.• Survey control and monuments.• Prepare plans or reports of compiled data.2. Perform field survey including:• Perform GPS control and locations.• Perform existing conditions or topography.• Establish existing right of way and easement lines.• Locate above ground evidence of utilities and inverts.• Locate wetland flags.• Construction layout.• Photogrammetry and mapping.3. Prepare, finalize and certify plans to the appropriate accuracy and standard:• Boundary and easement survey plans.• Existing conditions and topographical survey plans.• Right of way condemnation plats and descriptions.• Location plans, right of way plans, worksheets, etc.• Subdivision plans and descriptions.• Utility plan and profile sheets.• Survey control worksheets.• Material quantity worksheets(2) All question must be submitted no later than April 30, 2024.