(1) Vendor needs to provide financial management system.
- To provide and support a fully integrated and proven ERP solution.
- General Ledger
- Accounts Payable
- Payroll and HR and Time Tracking
- Tax Billing Vendor
- Utility Billing Vendor
- Permitting and Licensing Vendor
- Cash Receipts Vendor
- Fixed Asset Vendor
- These services include training, data conversion, and project management
- The Town does not intend to purchase any required hardware, network components, systems software (e.g., Server or Desktop OS), or Database software
- Addition to offering a self-hosted solution, the Town prefers to select a vendor who currently offers a proven SaaS system. If the solution is self-hosted, the Town requires Microsoft SQL and client access is browser-based.
(2) All questions must be submitted no later than July 7, 2023.