Vendor needs to provide complete street planning service to the government authority located in Rhode Island.
- Planning for and implementing Complete Streets and other tools, including appropriate practices for green streets such as inclusion of low-impact design elements, street trees, pervious surfaces, bioswales, and other climate resilient features.
- Development of a state-wide complete streets policy and vision
- Recommended municipal complete streets policy
- Recommendations to build state and municipal capacity to implement complete streets approaches and to strengthen relations between state transportation offices, municipalities, and the community.
- Complete Streets design guidelines for various street types and for a street's active zone (sidewalks), street zone, bikeways, and intersections.
- Collect economic, crash, bus, and usage data on infrastructure projects that include significant complete streets elements to identify benefits.
- Complete Streets prioritization methodology for project selection
- Improve data collection and analysis to advance safety for all users.
- Support rigorous safety assessment during project development and design to help prioritize safety outcomes across all project types.
- Accelerate adoption of standards and guidance that promote safety and accessibility for all users and support innovation in design.
- Reinforce the primacy of safety for all users in the interpretation of design standards, guidelines, and project review processes.