Vendor needs to provide for hire a freelance videographer service for images and digital files as required by the project.
• Editing may be required as well as working with producer(s) assigned by the agency making the assignment. Videographer may be asked to include video not shot by you in editing process.
• Videographer must demonstrate knowledge and ability to use video production equipment, including linear and non-linear editing; ability to use graphic software for the development of graphics.
• Broadcast requirements, video, web engineering and troubleshooting equipment, lighting, sound, and grip.
• Unlimited use on web and online by all State Agencies, including the university external relations and communications, department of communications and marketing, publications, and other departments as needed.
• Must own or have access to camera and other equipment needed to produce broadcast quality/ 4K high-definition video. Must have demonstrated ability to feed to broadcast outlets as needed for TV, Radio, Social Media platforms immediately.
• Ability to supply a list of equipment when bidding on specific projects.
• Videographer must have the capability of providing digital video recordings and images of selected or all shots from assignments in a professional format.
• Videographer to shoot professional quality footage. Specified shooting style may be requested. Video to be provided to the department or agency assigning the shoot on digital media such as Hightail, Vimeo, YouTube and Dropbox.
• Skilled technical work involving video editing, titling, or special effects may also be requested. To utilize a wide variety of video cameras, recording media, lenses, and other video graphic equipment as necessary to obtain optimum results in diverse situations.
• Closed Captioning of approved video may be required. As well as URI Graphics embedded or used in the final video.
• Must be able to determine camera angle, focus, shutter speed, lens setting, correct light filter and exposure time. Videographer must obtain identification of each person recorded with the correct spelling of the name, hometown and contact information, and model releases when requested by the agency.
• Must have a cell phone. Vendor must be accessible via cell phone at all times as provided for in their completed availability schedule.
• Vendor must furnish all labor, materials, and equipment including editing and file server accessibility.
• Maintain records and video files shot for a period of five years from the date of the event being shot with the State of Rhode Island. Supply the State Agencies and other departments as needed with required video segments and clips from those files when necessary.