(1) Vendor needs to provide passenger ridership data collection and surveys services to the government authority located in Rhode Island.
- Provide Passenger Ridership Counts and Passenger Surveys at four commuter rail stations
- The Consultant will be responsible for all aspects of data collection, verification, and reporting.
- Include quarterly, all-day ridership counts at each of the four state commuter rail stations
- Perform weekday morning, mid-day, and evening counts on rotating days with the same timeframe of counts occurring at each station on the same day.
- The Consultant has the option to perform off-peak mid-day and evening counts on-board the trains
- Consultant staff must be ready to begin counts at least 15 minutes before each train's scheduled departure and 10 minutes before each train's scheduled arrival at a terminus station.
- On-site consultant staff must wear safety vests and have employer IDs visible while performing counts.
- The Consultant must develop a procedure for Quality Assurance/Quality Control of data.
- Passenger Survey